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Our sustainable mobility solutions are already transforming cities and the planet. With no polluting emissions, no noise, efficient and accessible ... the transport of the future is here.

Electromobility is, without doubt, a new strategic decision of great significance in sustainable mobility for the future of cities. Irizar e-mobility was founded with the aim of providing comprehensive electric mobility solutions for cities, both in terms of manufacturing zero emissions vehicles, and in terms of manufacturing and installing the major infrastructure systems necessary for charging, traction and energy storage, All 100% designed and manufactured with the Group’s own knowledge and technology.

We are committed to promoting the use of efficient, clean and accessible transport which is committed to the environment and the well-being and health of people and which enables the creation of better urban environments. We place special emphasis on reducing noise pollution, obtaining low consumption which reduces costs and developing zero-emission vehicles. All these objectives serve to highlight the meaning of our motto, “for a better life”.

We are currently involved in major European projects for the future electrification of cities and public transport. Projects related to improvements in energy storage systems, energy efficiency, standardisation of charging systems, connectivity, and Big Data (artificial intelligence), for a new generation of clean, efficient, fast, standardised, and smart transportation.


At lrizar e-mobility we offer fully customized turn-key projects. The operator, therefore, has the differentiating benefit of having a single point of contact at every stage of the project, including after-sales service, maintenance, and custom repair, which also translates as optimised vehicle reliability and availability.

We provide consultation services

We provide consultation services

We carry out energy studies of the operator lines and use the data yielded by these studies (operating data, speed, line characteristics, terrain, line etc.) to advise on the energy needed to embark on its optimization strategy, power parameters, solutions and charging times and battery life. We also offer the possibility to coordinate the civil engineering works.

Mantenimiento predictivo e integral

Predictive and comprehensive maintenance

The predictive and comprehensive maintenance of the main systems and components of the vehicle that directly impact life cycle costs, insofar as they optimise the performance and availability of the vehicle, and the residual value of the asset.

Tecnología inteligente

Smart technology

With our proprietary technology we can provide constant updates for the included systems with the goal of effectively meeting the challenge of maximising the useful life of every vehicle in order to optimise the value of your assets.

Eco Assist

Reports system data that allows reducing consumption, helping to identify route sections where more instructions are provided to the drivers.

Zero-emission vehicles

Irizar e-mobility's vehicle range currently includes three models: Irizar ie bus, Irizar ie tram and Irizar Irizar ie truck.

ie bus

The Irizar ie bus offers a sustainable and eco-efficient urban mobility solution for current and future needs of city transport.

ie tram

The Irizar ie tram is a 100% electric, zero-emission bus with the appearance of a tram that combines the large capacity, ease of access and internal configuration of a tram with the flexibility of a city bus.

ie truck

The Irizar ie truck is a truck designed for different industrial uses in cities with a focus on electromobility. It will initially be used for collecting municipal waste. Current versions include zero-emission, gas, or HVO range extender trucks.

Proprietary technology

All vehicles incorporate systems and components developed with proprietary technology.

The battery management and storage system used in hybrid and electric vehicles includes Lithium-Ion technology and embodies a modular design. It is designed to meet the needs of any operator and also includes liquid cooling systems that enable optimisation of useful life and the possibility that vehicles can operate in extreme weather conditions.

The Irizar battery pack is a highly recyclable product. The processing of all their components is managed through a controlled process.

The Irizar Group is constantly searching for and researching increasingly efficient products with the least environmental impact, participating in different projects, such as the second life of the batteries.

The traction inverters as well as the electronics (ECU) that control the entire traction system are designed, manufactured and programmed by Jema. To complete the maintenance service for traction systems, JEMA has its own diagnostic tool, which facilitates user independence.

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Unlike other projects which are constrained by more standardised motors, the motorisation of the vehicles uses technologies that are designed and developed exclusively by the Irizar Group and are tailor-made for the vehicles’ requirements.

The motors, synchronous to permanent magnets, are manufactured by Alconza.

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Jema develops electronic systems for access control and for the comfort of the driver and passengers. In the railway sector, our solutions are SIL2 certified.

The doors fitted on the buses are electric doors developed by Masats. They include safety sensors and management control systems with manual, automatic and shuttle modes.

The electric and manual ramps are also manufactured by Masats.

The Hispacold climate control system is designed specifically for zero emissions electric vehicles, offers a perfect balance between the thermal comfort of passengers and energy optimisation.

We have tools to enable the operator to be more profitable and sustainable and provide driving safety based on artificial vision technology.

We deliver "Efficient Driving Manuals" to improve driver behaviour behind the wheel and we teach eco-driving courses given the impact that optimal driving habits have on fuel consumption savings and, consequently, on environmental impact.

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Charging solutions

We integrate charging stations, coordinate the civil engineering and electrical installation, and provide management solutions for centralized charging and remote supervision.

There is a range of charging options to maximise the performance of the installation and minimise operating and maintenance costs. Smart, modular and interoperable chargers that allow greater flexibility in the garage and in the distribution of the lines.

Carga en cocheras

Loading in depots

Available for both outdoor and indoor use, it is the simplest and most traditional form of charging, which is done by connection to the bus, usually during overnight stop times.

The possibility of full automation of slow charging in depots is also available. This solution reduces the presence of cables on the floor and improves operator safety.

Carga por pantógrafo

Pantograph charging

Recommended when the vehicle does not have sufficient range to complete the journey and it is necessary to charge vehicles during travel as well as in the depot. The charging stations are located at strategic points throughout the cities, at the end or start of each line, in order to charge/supply several buses or lines.

Sistema de carga inteligente

Smart charging system

Control centre that efficiently manages all the charging conditions/restrictions in the depot. The system identifies the different charging requirements of each bus in order to optimise the total power required.



The Irizar Group's charging solutions are interoperable in accordance with ISO 15118, DIN70121, OCPP 1.6 CE mark, EMC 61000-6-2, 61000-6-4, IEC 61851, IEC 61000.